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"Honesty is the bridge between where you're stuck and
where you want to be."  
~ Marina

I'm Marina.


The Happy Mind Maker!

Because of my challenging past, I went on an out-of-the-box quest for a deeper meaning to life and to find a fast, infallible way to help people successfully navigate through the deluge of human emotions and harmful mental constructs, back to a place of peace and personal power.
My life, my commitment to inner peace, and the countless lives I've helped transform are undeniable proof that no matter how difficult or traumatic your past was, or how hopeless you feel about your current situation, you can emerge stronger, become happier, and best of all... be yourself, all of the time.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship. I’d love to learn more about you. The best way to share that and stay connected is to send me a message to reserve a 20-min complimentary discovery call."

Text/Call Me - 239-399-2279

Areas of Expertise


The Tomatis Method
Speech Specialist
Vocal/Listening Lab
Hippocrates Educator
Fasting/Cleansing Coach
Mozart Brain Therapy


German Projective Tests
H-T-P Drawing Test
Deception Detection
PTP Thinking Styles
Flow Team Dynamics
Criminal Handwriting Expert


Solution-Focused Therapy
Gestalt/Honesty Coaching
Boyne Hypnotherapy
The Human Element
Loving Communication
Industrial Psychology



Send me a message if you're fed up with suffering and want to elevate your life.


Marina Barone

Text/Call Me: 239-399-2279

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